bga mesh format

This document describes the BGA (Binary GPU Attribute) file format.

BGA files describe a mesh in a binary format suitable for rendering on the GPU with minimal processing or parsing.

file format version: 2.0 document version: 2.0.2


This example describes a triangular pyramid.

The data section is shown as commented text for convenience, but in the real file this section would be binary.

BGA 2.0\n
little endian\n
vec3 vertex.position\n
vec4 vertex.color\n
uint32 edge.cell[2]\n
uint32 triangle.cell[3]\n
4 vertex\n
6 edge\n
4 triangle\n
0 0 0 // 3 padding bytes: 133 bytes to float32-aligned 136 bytes
-1.0 -1.0 +1.0      // vertex 0 position (float32 x 3)
+1.0 +0.0 +0.0 +1.0 // vertex 0 color    (float32 x 4)
+1.0 -1.0 +1.0      // vertex 1 position (float32 x 3)
+0.0 +1.0 +0.0 +1.0 // vertex 1 color    (float32 x 4)
+0.0 -1.0 -1.0      // vertex 2 position (float32 x 3)
+0.0 +0.0 +1.0 +1.0 // vertex 2 color    (float32 x 4)
+0.0 +1.0 +0.0      // vertex 3 position (float32 x 3)
+0.0 +1.0 +1.0 +1.0 // vertex 3 color    (float32 x 4)
0 1 // edge 0 (uint32 x 2)
0 2 // edge 1 (uint32 x 2)
0 3 // edge 2 (uint32 x 2)
1 2 // edge 3 (uint32 x 2)
1 3 // edge 4 (uint32 x 2)
2 3 // edge 5 (uint32 x 2)
0 1 2 // triangle 0 (uint32 x 3)
0 1 3 // triangle 1 (uint32 x 3)
1 2 3 // triangle 2 (uint32 x 3)
2 0 3 // triangle 3 (uint32 x 3)


The format contains a header section as text followed by a binary data payload.

The header must begin with the string "BGA " followed by a version string as text followed by a new line character "\n".

The rest of the header contains directives in any order:

Any unrecognized directives should be ignored.

A statement with a field count such as uint32 triangle.cell[3]\n means the VARNAME called cell contains 3 contiguous uint32 fields.

The header MUST specify an endianess.

A "record" refers to all the attributes defined for a buffer. The order of TYPE declarations in the header for each BUFNAME is the same order that each record will be laid out in the data section.

If a buffer is alluded to by a TYPE BUFNAME.VARNAME([\d+])? declaration but there is no \d+ BUFNAME count declaration, an implementation should use 0 for the count.

Attribute TYPE can be any of these types:

The header ends with an empty line, just like HTTP.


The data section consists of each buffer subsection in the order provided by the \d+ BUFNAME declarations in the header.

The attributes for each record are stored in a strided format, where a full record is written.

Each buffer subsection must be aligned to the least common multiple of the size of the base type with padding bytes. Use 0x00 for each padding byte.

Because the size of base types is either 1, 2, or 4, to compute the least common multiple you can use max() instead of a full LCM implementation.


Parsing 3d assets can be very slow for large assets. This format has almost no parse time penalty aside from the very small header. Offsets into the model format can be given directly to the graphics hardware, assuming the endianness matches.

Loading assets quickly is particularly important on the web, where application sessions are brief and user patience is low.

The strided format provides for better memory locality for many use cases.

If you need your data to not be strided, you can achieve a non-strided effect using buffers with a single defined type.

why not PLY?

PLY comes close, but:

why not OBJ?

why not glTF?

glTF has a representation for setting buffers into a file with offset and stride, but it has a lot of other features and assumptions that you might not want:


This benchmark parses public domain 3d models from in a web browser.

Gemini.bga      2.3 ms     0.7 ms     0.5 ms     0.6 ms     0.4 ms
Gemini.json   315.3 ms   419.3 ms   308.4 ms   312.7 ms   426.2 ms
Gemini.obj    967.6 ms   975.2 ms   967.4 ms   973.0 ms   955.1 ms
Gemini.gltf   662.2 ms   408.9 ms   405.8 ms   411.3 ms   414.6 ms
Gemini.glb    596.0 ms   218.6 ms   221.5 ms   209.5 ms   223.1 ms
Mercury.bga     1.8 ms     0.4 ms     0.4 ms     0.4 ms     0.4 ms
Mercury.json  405.0 ms   312.0 ms   305.4 ms   310.9 ms   374.6 ms
Mercury.obj   731.0 ms   735.5 ms   726.4 ms   787.0 ms   724.1 ms
Mercury.gltf  272.3 ms   169.4 ms   164.4 ms   170.8 ms   169.3 ms
Mercury.glb    93.8 ms    96.7 ms    89.2 ms    86.9 ms    86.0 ms
MKIII.bga       2.7 ms     0.4 ms     0.4 ms     0.2 ms     0.4 ms
MKIII.json    188.4 ms   191.1 ms   193.3 ms   200.9 ms   189.8 ms
MKIII.obj     644.5 ms   579.6 ms   589.9 ms   588.5 ms   588.6 ms
MKIII.gltf    401.9 ms   245.4 ms   249.6 ms   249.8 ms   241.8 ms
MKIII.glb     126.0 ms   125.1 ms   127.3 ms   120.5 ms   121.2 ms
MMSEV.bga       1.6 ms     0.1 ms     0.4 ms     0.4 ms     0.4 ms
MMSEV.json   1823.7 ms  1827.3 ms  1438.7 ms  1438.6 ms  1439.9 ms
MMSEV.obj    2738.8 ms  2502.4 ms  2521.8 ms  2639.6 ms  2564.3 ms
MMSEV.gltf   1090.1 ms   689.4 ms   697.8 ms  1085.5 ms   693.8 ms
MMSEV.glb     545.8 ms   526.2 ms   499.6 ms   500.2 ms   508.1 ms
Z2.bga          2.4 ms     0.4 ms     0.2 ms     0.4 ms     0.3 ms
Z2.json       101.0 ms   111.6 ms   104.6 ms   111.5 ms   101.5 ms
Z2.obj        199.1 ms   202.3 ms   209.0 ms   202.7 ms   192.7 ms
Z2.gltf        61.3 ms    39.6 ms    36.4 ms    40.9 ms    41.0 ms
Z2.glb         20.5 ms    24.1 ms    19.0 ms    20.9 ms    18.9 ms


software libraries
